Cervical Cancer Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Stages and Treatment
What is cervical cancer ?
Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs when there are cells in the cervix cervical aliases that are not normal, and it is growing steadily with uncontrolled.
These abnormal cells could develop quickly resulting in cervical tumors. A malignant tumor that later developed so the cause of cervical cancer.
The cervix is the organ that is shaped like a cylinder tube. Its function, namely linking the vagina with the uterus.
This cancer is one of the most abundant types of cancer occurs in women around the world. However, a routine pap smear test can help identify cervical cancer early.
Cervical cancer is often still can be cured if found early on. In addition, there are several methods for controlling the risk of cervical cancer, which makes the number of cervical cancer cases decline.
How popular of cervical cancer (cervical cancer)?
Cervical cancer is most commonly found around the world. According to the World Health Organization or WHO, cervical cancer is the number four types of cancer most often strikes women. Further, the WHO also observed that the incidence of cervical cancer is greater in developing countries than in developed countries.
Signs symptoms of cervical cancer
What are the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer (cervical cancer)?
In the early stages, women with cervical cancer early and pre-cancer will not experience symptoms. The reason, cervical cancer do not show symptoms until the tumors to form. The tumor could then pushes the organ around and disturb the healthy cells. Symptoms of cervical cancer can be characterized by the following traits.
• unusual Bleeding from the vagina. For example, when you are not bleeding menstruation, menstruation is longer, bleeding after or during sex, after menopause, after defecation, or after a pelvic examination.
• menstrual cycles so irregularly.
• pain in the pelvis (lower abdomen).
• Pain during sex or having sex.
• pain in the lumbar (lower back) or legs.
• Body limp and easily tired.
• decreased weight when not being on a diet.
• loss of appetite.
• abnormal vaginal fluid, such as smelling pungent or accompanied by blood.
• one foot swell.
There are several other conditions, such as infection, which can lead to a variety of characteristics of cervical cancer. However, whatever the cause, you should still visit your doctor for a check-up. Ignoring the possibility of cervical cancer symptoms will only make the condition worse and lose the chance of effective treatment.
Better yet, don't wait until symptoms of cervical cancer arise. The best way to care for Your sex by doing a pap smear test and pelvic examination on a regular basis to the obstetrician.
Chances are there are signs and symptoms of cervical cancer that were not mentioned above. If you have fears of certain speaking symptoms with your doctor.
When should I see a doctor?
If you show some sign or symptom of cervical cancer or other questions, speaking to your doctor. Each person's body is different. Always consult a doctor to handle Your health condition and checked every emerging sign of cervical cancer.
However, actually, all women (especially those that are married or sexually active) should be checked for me to the doctor and getting the HPV vaccine. No need to wait until it appears the characteristics of cervical cancer recently seeking medical help.
Women who are over 40 years old are also strongly recommended to see a doctor and do a pap smear test regularly. The reason, growing your age the more susceptible to cancer. While You may not feel the various symptoms of cervical cancer that had started to attack.
What are the causes of cervical cancer (cervical cancer)?
Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV human. There are more than a hundred types of HPV, but so far there are only approx 13 types of viruses that could be the cause of cervical cancer. The virus is often transmitted through sexual intercourse.
Inside the female body, the virus produces two types of proteins, i.e. E6 and E7. Both of these proteins is dangerous because it can turn off specific genes in a woman's body that was instrumental in stopping the progression of tumors.
Both of these proteins also sparked the growth of the cells of the uterine wall aggressively. Unusual cell growth eventually causes a change in the gene (also known as gene mutation). This is the gene mutation that causes cervical cancer won the growing in the body.
Some types of HPV cause no symptoms at all. However, some types can cause warts on the genitals, and some could be the cause of cervical cancer. Only a doctor can diagnose and verify how the dangers of HPV types that you are experiencing.
Two derivatives of the HPV virus (HPV 16 and HPV 18) are known to play a role in 70% of cases of cervical cancer. This type of HPV infections do not cause any symptoms, so many women do not realize they have the infection. In fact, most adult women actually used to be a "host" HPV at a particular moment in their lives.
HPV can be easily found through pap smear tests. This is why the pap smear test is very important to prevent cervical cancer. Pap smear tests are able to detect differences in cervical cells before turning into cancer. If you handle changes in the cells, you can protect yourself from cervical cancer.
The risk factors
Who is at risk of developing cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer)?
So far it is known indeed so the HPV causes cervical cancer. However, there are several risk factors that can increase the chances of You got this cancer, although you do not have a history of HPV infection though. Check out the various causes of cervical cancer risk factors here.
• Infection of human papillomavirus. Sexual intercourse with many couples can increase the risk of getting HPV 16 and 18. So too with risky sexual behavior such as unprotected sex or sharing sex toys (sex toys). In addition, women who never get the vaccine (immunization) HPV naturally more vulnerable HPV infected could be the cause of cervical cancer.
• smoking. Tobacco contains many chemicals that are not good for the body. Women who smoke have a risk of up to two times more likely than non-smokers in women affected by cervical cancer.
• Immunosuppression. Treatment or condition that affects the immune system, such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS, could increase the risk of getting HPV infections and so the cause of cervical cancer.
• Chlamydia Infection. Some studies show a higher risk of cervical cancer in women with the results of a blood test that shows ever have an infection or being one of the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia, IE.
• Lack of fruit and vegetable consumption. Women who have less healthy eating patterns, for example, rarely eat fruits and vegetables, may have a higher risk of against cervical cancer.
• excess body weight (obesity). Women with overweight easier having cervical adenocarcinoma in.
• the use of contraceptives (birth control pills) drink long term. A number of studies have shown that drinking oral contraceptives (birth control pills) in a long time, i.e. over about five years, it can increase the risk of cervical cancer. If You've long been taking birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, immediately consider choosing another contraceptive and talk with Your obstetrician. A recent study found that women who use intrauterine device (IUD, the device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy) have lower risk against cancer. Therefore, the type of IUD contraceptives can be an alternative for you who don't want to get pregnant.
• several times already pregnant and giving birth. Women who have experienced pregnancy to childbirth (not a miscarriage) 3 times or more had a higher risk of developing cancer of the cervix.
• pregnant or gave birth at a very young age. Very young means aged under 17 years during pregnancy to give birth to the first time. Women who are younger than 17 years while pregnant (not a miscarriage) two times more vulnerable exposed cervical cancer.
• poverty. Although the State of the economic one does not immediately so the cause of cervical cancer, poverty is very likely to impede women's access to the services as well as adequate health education, including a pap smear test.
• Diethylstilbestrol (DES). DES is a hormonal drug given to women to prevent miscarriages. Mothers who use this drug during pregnancy have a greater risk of against cervical cancer. Girls born also has greater risk. This medicine is no longer prescribed to pregnant women as early as 1980 's. But, for you are ever pregnant or was born before 1980 are still at risk of experiencing cancer.
• hereditary factors. If in your family, such as grandmothers, mothers, or women who ever got cervical cancer, you so two times more susceptible to cervical cancer than people who don't have cancer heredity. The problem, gene mutation that causes cervical cancer so can be passed down to the next generation.
• age. Women under the age of fifteen years have the lowest risk against this cancer. While the risk increases in women aged over 40 years.
Drug & diagnosis
The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult Your doctor.
How to diagnose cervical cancer (cervical cancer)?
Doctors usually use pap smear tests to diagnose cervical cancer. The doctor may do other tests to see cancer cells or cervical cancer in pre-if test pap smear shows cells changes, such as malfunctions of the biopsy.
The doctor may refer you to the gynecologist (obstetrician, namely health experts the female reproductive system) if the test result indicates abnormalities, or if a doctor saw a growth in the cervix or if you have abnormal bleeding.
Important note that bleeding from female cervical cancer does not always mean. Chlamydia is one of the reasons why women experience vaginal bleeding. The doctor may advise you to do a test first before referred to.
Some of the tests that may be needed to confirm if you have cervical cancer are as follows.
• Colposcopy. The procedure is done with a small microscope with a source of light at the end used to check Your cervix.
• Cone biopsy. This little procedure done under anesthesia. A small cone-shaped section on the cervix will be appointed to review. After that, you may experience vaginal bleeding for up to four weeks after the procedure. You may also experience pain such as menstruation.
When the doctor assured you have cervical cancer symptoms, the doctor will then examine how severe conditions (stage stadium) cancer. The test can include things below.
• Check the uterus, vagina, rectum, and urinary when there is cancer. This procedure is done with drugs.
• blood tests to check the condition of the surrounding organs, such as bone, blood and kidneys.
• Test imaging (scanning), namely with the technology of Computerised tomography (CT) scans, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, X rays, and Positive emission tomography (PET) scans. The purpose of this test is to identify cancer tumors and in cancer cells have spread (metastasized).
What is cervical cancer drug often used?
The sooner you detect cervical cancer symptoms and disease, the easier it is to treat cervical cancer.
Treatment for cervical cancer are quite complicated. The hospital will be setting up a team of experts who are determined to overcome the early stage and advanced stage cervical cancer. Although ideally tackle cervical cancer at an early stage, usually cervical cancer is not diagnosed early enough.
Typically, there are three main treatment options for cervical cancer, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
1. Operation
This will lift the part that is infected with cancer. You and your medical team must work together for the best results:
• Radical trachelectomy – cervical tissue, surrounding and the upper part of the vagina is lifted, but the uterus stays in place so you can still have children. Because that's what this surgery usually action so the priority for women who have cervical cancer early stages and still want to have children.
• Hysterectomy – the uterus and cervix, depending on the stage of the cancer, it may be necessary to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes. You've not been able to have children again if you do a hysterectomy.
• Pelvic exenteration – major surgery in which cervical, vagina, uterus, urinary tract, fallopian tubes, ovaries and rectum was elevated. Such as a hysterectomy, you've not been able to have children again after undergoing surgery.
2. Radiotherapy
In the early stages of cervical cancer, you may be treated with radiotherapy or combined with surgery. Later, when cancer is already at an advanced stage, the doctor may recommend chemotherapy with radiotherapy to reduce bleeding and pain in patients.
In this procedure, your body is covered with radiation. The radiation source can come from external, with machines that emit radiation in your body, or internally. Internal method, an implant will be installed into your body to give radiation. There are some cases where these 2 methods combined. The series of radiotherapy usually lasts for 5 to 8 weeks.
3. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy can be used alone or combined with radiotherapy to treat cervical cancer. In the advanced stages of cancer, this method is often used to prevent the growth of cancer. You will make an appointment to get a dose of chemotherapy through intravenous.
All handling of cervical cancer can have side effects. You should discuss it first with your doctor. You may experience premature menopause, a narrowing of the vagina, or limfedemasetelah undergo cervical cancer treatment.
Anything that can be done to prevent cervical cancer (cervical cancer)?
Here are lifestyle changes that can help you prevent cervical cancer happens to you:
• talk with family, friends or counselors can help. You can also ask the doctor about the community of Penitas (survivor) and people with cervical cancer.
• pap smear Test is the best way to find changes in cervical cells or HPV in cervical. It is important to do a follow up with the doctor after a pap smear test results are abnormal, so you can get timely treatment.
• If you are under 26 years of age, you can get the HPV vaccine that can protect against two types of HPV 16 and HPV 18, HPV types that can cause cervical cancer.
• avoid HPV-infected with a safe sex, using condoms and not changing sexual partners.
• to prevent cancer progressed to stage a more serious stage, you need to live a healthy lifestyle. For example, by maintaining a balanced diet and exercising diligently, in accordance with the doctor's advice and capabilities, enough rest, managing stress, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as reduce exposure to harmful substances e.g. from pollution, pesticides, and food packaging.
If there are any further questions, speaking to your doctor for the best solution to your problem.
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