Healthy Solutions

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Tumor: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

The tumor is a growth of abnormal cells. The cell is the smallest unit that makes up the tissues of the human body. Each of these cells contains genes that Act to determine growth, development, or repairs that occur in the body.

There are several genes that Act to control whether a cell to die, splitting (multiple), or certain shape to be changed (example: nerve cells or muscle cells). If there is a change (mutations) in the genes that control cell growth, then it would be disturbed.
In this condition, the old cells do not die even though it was about time, and the new cells formed through the body does not need it. As a result, the collection of these additional cells will form a mass, or commonly referred to with the tumor.

When hearing the words tumor, many people suspect that the disease is definitely a turn-off. But the assumption is not entirely appropriate because the tumors are divided into two categories, namely, benign tumor and malignant tumor.
Benign tumors grow only on one part of the body and do not spread or invade other parts. While malignant tumors or cancer is often called a tumor that can invade surrounding tissue, blood vessels, and spread to other parts of the body. Benign tumors are also usually will not grow again once lifted, whereas malignant tumors have the possibility of relapse.

Causes and risk factors of Tumor

Until now, the cause of the growth of the tumor is still not known for sure. Malignant and benign tumors have causes and risk factors that are almost the same, among others:


Smoking is often associated with various types of cancers such as cancer of the white blood cells (leukemia cells), as well as cancer in various organs such as the esophagus (esophagus), lung, mouth, pancreas, kidney, and stomach. In the United States noted that smoking is responsible for 30% of all cancer deaths.


There are a number of viruses and bacteria have the ability to cause cancer, among other things:
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) that increase the risk of cervical cancer (cervical), penis, vagina, anus, and the oropharynx.
  • hepatitis B Virus and hepatitis C which increases the risk of liver cancer.
  • the Epstein-Barr virus that increases the risk of lymphoma Burkitt.
  • Helicobacter pylori which increase the risk of gastric cancer.

There are two types of radiation are thought to potentially increase the risk of cancer, namely ultraviolet radiation from sunlight as well as ionizing radiation from medical equipment such as x-ray, CT scan, fluoroscopy, radiation therapy and nuclear.

Medicines that suppress the immune system
These types of medicines are used in certain conditions, such as in patients who just got the organ transplant. These drugs may increase the risk of cancer because it lowers the body's ability to fight the growth of cancer cells.

Eating patterns

Some research shows that consumption of fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of colorectal cancer, as well as serve to protect the body from cancer of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and lungs. In addition, a diet high in fat, protein, calories, and red meat may increase the risk of suspected colorectal cancer, although it still required further research to prove it.

Alcohol consumption

Various studies have shown that alcohol consumption is associated with increased risk of cancer of the mouth, esophagus, liver, breast, and colorectal.

Physical Activity

A number of research concludes that people who are physically active have a lower risk for colorectal cancer than those who are inactive. Several other studies have also suggested that physical activity can help against endometrial cancer and breast cancer in post-menopausal women.

Overweight or obese

Different types of cancer that may occur due to obesity are post-menopausal breast cancer, colorectal cancer, uterus, esophagus, kidney, and pancreas. However, there has been no clear proof whether weight loss in people with obesity was able to lower the risk of cancer.


Diabetes and cancer have almost the same risk factors, namely the old age, obesity, smoking, unhealthy diet, and lack of physical activity. Therefore, it is difficult is determined whether increased cancer risk factors due to diabetes or because of the risk factors.

Environmental risk factors

Exposure to various chemicals in the environment has been heavily associated with the risk of cancer. For example, the risk of lung cancer will increase due to cigarette smoke, air pollution, and asbestos. Drinking water containing high amounts of copper would increase the risk of cancer in the skin, lungs, and indigestion.

Genetic or offspring

Not all types of cancer are hereditary. However, in some cases, the mutation of genes can be passed down to family members, for example, the gene BRCA1. Women who have the BRCA1 gene since the beginning had the possibility of 80 percent to suffer from breast cancer. Other types of cancer that can be handed down to members of the family include ovarian cancer, uterus, prostate, melanoma, retinoblastoma, lymphoma and Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's.

Tumor symptoms

Tumors can cause a variety of symptoms. Some of the symptoms and clinical signs generally can be:
  • often feel unwell.
  • feel very tired.
  • fevers and chills.
  • No appetite.
  • weight loss without a clear reason.
  • Sweating at night.
However, each tumor has indication varies depending on the type and location of its growth. For example, brain tumors can cause symptoms of headaches are not bearable, sudden vomiting, and convulsions. While the symptoms of benign Lung Tumors can either be a continuous cough and grew worse until finally being coughed blood, shortness of breath, chest pain and fatigue.

There is also a type of malignant tumor that does not even cause symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage, such as cervical cancer and liver cancer. Therefore, you are advised to always be alert and saw a doctor if experiencing conditions that felt awkward even though at first glance seem mild.

Diagnosis and treatment of Tumor

In addition to asking for a history of the disease, symptoms, and checks the physical condition, the doctor will include some type of examination to ensure the patient's diagnosis. The examination-the examination of which is:
  • full blood test and organ function evaluation.
  • CT, MRI or PET scans. This step serves to confirm the layout as well as the rate of spread of the tumor.
  • chest X-rays.
  • sampling biopsy or a tumor. This examination is used to ascertain whether a tumor is malignant or her.
If undiagnosed tumor with certain positive, your doctor will help you in determining the appropriate treatment measures. The method of handling the tumor that will have you living depending on the type, the location of the tumor growth, and the rate of tumor malignancy.
There are a number of methods of handling to overcome a malignant tumor. Steps that are generally recommended include:
  • removal surgery.
  • chemotherapy.
  • radiotherapy.
  • the Biological Therapy.
  •  target Therapy which only seeks and attacks the cancer cells.
Patients generally require a combination of the three methods, namely removal surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.
If a malignant tumor is still at 1 location and has not spread, cancer will usually be appointed through a surgical procedure.
Benign tumors also can generally be lifted. But if it does not interfere with the performance of the organ and not a bad impact on health at all, sometimes benign tumors do not need to be lifted.

An early tumor is detected, the more likely the patient is to heal is also higher. Therefore, all tumors (malignant or benign) should promptly be diagnosed and treated because it can potentially cause a variety of health complications when left.

Preventive Measures Of Tumor

There are no prevention methods that can provide total protection from the appearance of the tumor. But there are a number of simple steps that we can do to lower your risk of cancer. These steps include:

  • smoking cessation.
  • exercise regularly.
  • Implement a healthy diet and balanced, such as increasing consumption of fibrous foods (particularly vegetables) and reduce the consumption of fatty foods or containing preservatives.
  • Maintain a healthy weight to avoid obesity.
  • Limit the consumption of liquor.
  • to banish the exposure to sunlight, for example by using sunscreen.
  • Undergo medical examinations regularly.
  • Live vaccination is needed to prevent cancer, such as the HPV vaccine.

1 comment:

  1. Tumor is one of the most commonest problems majority of the people suffer from. You tried to give good explanation on tumor. Doctoriduniya
