Healthy Solutions

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blood Cancer Leukimea, Causes, Symptoms, types and treatment

Blood cancer Leukemia - blood cancer can happen to anyone and at any time, we have to find out the causes and types of blood cancer. also other types of blood cancer in adults. and by knowing the symptoms of blood cancer are expected to be prevented early on.

Blood cancer or leukemia is cancer that attacks the white blood cells. White blood cells are functioning blood cells protect the body against foreign matter or disease. These white blood cells produced by the bone marrow.

In normal conditions, the white blood cells will be developed on a regular basis at the time of the body need it to eradicate an infection that appears. Yet another case of people with blood cancer. The bone marrow produces white blood cells are abnormal, do not function properly, and is excessive. The excessive amount will result in buildup in bone marrow blood cells so that the healthy would be reduced.

In addition to stacking, these abnormal cells can also spread to other organs, like the liver, lymph, lungs, kidneys, even up to the brain and spine.
Types of blood cancer

There are various types of blood cancer. Based on the speed of its development, this cancer can be classified into acute and chronic.
Blood cancer acute developed rapidly due to the addition of a number of abnormal white blood cells or cells that are immature and therefore cannot function normally. This growth is very rapidly so any spread into the bloodstream. This type must be handled immediately. If left, the body will lack oxygen and immune to disease or infection.

Meanwhile, chronic blood cancer develops slowly and in the long run. White blood cells in the body that is supposed to have died would still be alive and builds up in the bloodstream, bone marrow, and other organs associated with it.  These cells are more mature so that it can function properly for a short while, therefore, the symptoms tend to be not immediately felt so recently undiagnosed after many years.

Blood cancer can also be categorized according to the type of white blood cell that is under attack. Blood cancer that attacks the lymphatic cells is termed limfotik and leukemia cells that attack myeloid leukemia called mielogen. Based on the above two groupings, there are four types of blood cancer most often occurs. Here's the explanation for each type.

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
ALL can inhibit lymphocyte function so that the person is experiencing potentially serious infection. Blood cancer is generally of her children, but can also attack adults.

Acute myelogenous  leukemia (AML)
This is a type of blood cancer which generally attack adults. Remember AML can also her by children and adolescents. and this will form the Cancer cells myeloid imperfect and can clog blood vessels.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
This type of blood cancer is only experienced by adults. CLL General recently detected at an advanced stage because patients tend to not feel any symptoms for a long time.

Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
Types of blood cancer are mostly suffered by people with age above 20 years. CML has two stages. In the first stage, abnormal cells will develop gradually. When it enters the second phase, the number of abnormal cells will grow rapidly so it will decrease drastically.

In General, the blood cancer or leukemia bone marrow is concerned the manufacture of white blood cells. Cells that are generally effective at exterminating this infection grows abnormally so finally made not immune functioning to its full potential.

Blood cancer symptoms

Blood cancer symptoms are very diverse. Each of these sufferers typically experiences the different indications depending on the type of blood cancer are of her.
Indication-an indication of cancer also tends to be difficult to be known because it tends to be similar to other conditions, such as the flu. Therefore, we need to be aware of common symptoms do not improve or subside more, such as:
  • Weakness or fatigue.
  • fever.
  • Chills.
  • A headache.
  • vomiting.
  • excessive sweating, especially at night.
  • pain in the bones or joints.
  • weight loss.
  • Lymphatic swelling on the stain, liver, or spleen.
  • severe infection Appears or occurs frequently.
  • Easy bleed (such as frequent nosebleeds) or bruising.
  • Red spots Appear on the skin.

If you or your child experience any of the above symptoms, immediately call and check with your doctor. Especially for those of you who have symptoms that often relapse or failed to improve.

Causes and risk factors for blood cancer

The basic cause of the blood cancer to date not yet known for sure. However, the suspected mutation of DNA in white blood cells causes changes in the actions of each cell, in addition, other changes in the white blood cells due to a gene and environmental factors also contributing to an estimated triggers leukemia.

Factors that supposedly could increase the risk of blood cancers include:

  • Heredity or genetics. Sufferers of down syndrome or other genetic disorders that increase the risk of experiencing a rare acute leukemia. While chronic lymphatic leukemia often passed down in families and are typically experienced by men. In addition, a family history who suffered from leukemia can also magnify the risk of experiencing the same illness.
  • Ever undergoing cancer treatment. Certain chemotherapy or radiotherapy is suspected can trigger cancer of the blood.
  • Never experienced exposure to high levels of radiation or certain chemical substances. For example, a person who has been involved in accidents that are associated with nuclear reactors or other chemical substances such as benzene exposure.
  • smoking. Smoking not only increases the risk of cancer of the blood (especially acute mielogen leukemia) but also a variety of other ailments.However, most people with a high risk of above not having leukemia. On the other hand, the leukemia sufferers often found instead on people who don't have those risks.

Diagnosis and treatment of blood cancer

At an early stage, the doctor will ask you the symptoms that existed before checking your physical condition. On physical examination, the doctor will look for some signs of leukemia such as pale skin due to anemia, swelling of limonoid, as well as the liver and spleen,  are enlarged. If doctors suspect You have blood cancer, doctors will recommend that more detailed examination that includes tests of the blood and bone marrow biopsy.

On a blood test, the doctor will find an abnormality of white blood cells or platelets. Leukemia sufferers generally have levels of white blood cells that are much higher than normal.

In addition, your doctor will probably advise you to test the spinal cord. In this examination, the doctor will use a long thin needle to take a sample of Your spinal cord tissue.  Tissue samples will then be examined further in the laboratory to demonstrate the types of blood cancer that you experience as well as a selection of the most appropriate treatment.

Blood Cancer Treatment

After a positive blood cancer diagnosis, the doctor will discuss appropriate treatment measures. This type of handling that you will undertake depends upon your age, Your health condition, and the type or stage of cancer of the blood that You Gonzo.

The following are the treatment methods are commonly recommended to treat blood cancer, among other things:

  • Chemotherapy is the most common therapies for leukemia cases. Treatment of chemotherapy using chemicals to kill cancer cells in the blood.
  • Radiotherapy. This treatment technique uses x-rays to destroy and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Radiotherapy can be done only on certain areas that are afflicted by cancer, or the entire body, depending on your condition. Radiotherapy can also be done in preparation for doing stem cell transplantation.
  • a stem cell transplant or stem cell to replace bone marrow that has already broken with the healthy. Stem cells are used can come from your own body or the body of other people as donors. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy usually performed as preparatory steps prior to undergoing the transplant procedure.
  • focused Therapy for attacking the vulnerable parts in cancer cells.
  • Biological Therapy to help the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells.
  • the anticipation with supervision. It is intended for patients with chronic lymphatic leukemia. In this therapy, observations are carefully done in order to see the progression of the disease. These therapies may also be done if someone is proven with chronic lymphatic leukemia, but not experience symptoms that indicate the disease.

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