30 healthy and nutritious vegetables High around us
HEALTHY FOODS – foods that are healthy and nutritious high intake is much needed by the human body both in age from toddlers to seniors.
Healthy food doesn't have to be expensive or that strange, the fact there is also healthy food that is very easy to get around us.
Some foods are types of grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
If you don't know what healthy food that turned out to be easily found around us, these are the types of food:
Apple is a fruit which can grow well in tropical or sub-tropical.
The fruit of this one had a distinctive sour taste sweet. Usually, this fruit comes from the Highlands and the area is cool with shades of green, yellow or red is rather green.
Apples contain vitamin C, quercetin and flavonoid that could prevent cancer.
healthy food spinach
Spinach is a vegetable that is very easily found around us. In addition to easy cultivation occurring of processing food is also very easy.
That is why we often find these foods processed in different parts of the world.
Spinach has a nutrient content that many among them are iron, magnesium also vitamins A and c. So the spinach is excellent for hair and skin nutrition as well as the eyes.
red bean snacks
Red bean or the Javanese usually call it peanut too is healthy foods that are also easily found around us.
Basically, the beans have fiber, protein, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, including vitamins and minerals.
Red bean including fresh is easy to be healthy food, usually a nut this one mixed into a salad or soup. He was also included in the food that makes youthful.
Broccoli healthy food
Broccoli is a vegetable that is also quite familiar in our everyday life.
Vegetables such as green hair kerb this is a vegetable that is rich in calcium, potassium also vitamins A and c.
There are some suggestions in a serving of vegetable cuisine so that content is not lost its nutrition value, namely by not cooking the vegetables overcooked.
In addition to avoiding cooking the sauce and cheese excessive wear.
Healthy Food Sweet
Sweet is one source of carbohydrate replacement for rice and corn. Ubi is a plant that can be classified in any existing tubers underground.
Yam is rich in vitamins, i.e. vitamin A, B, C, and E.
Besides Yam is also a source of healthy foods that are low in calories if processed by way of baked or cooked boiled and steamed.
Very sweet potato contains high nutritional but simply ignored by the people.
Healthy Soy Bean
Soy is also a food that very often we encounter petrol.
Usually, soybeans processed in a way made tofu, tempeh, tofu, douche and also soy milk. In soybeans, there is omega 3 content, calcium and iron also.
Soy is also quite popular among vegetarians.
Healthy Food Grain
Wheat is a plant similar grains like rice plant. Wheat is usually processed as bread, cereal or as Kukis.
Wheat is very rich in vitamin B3, vitamin B1, thiamin, iron, fiber and vitamin E as well.
In addition to substitute rice, processed wheat is also very good for a diet in the form of food cereals.
Healthy Almond Nuts
Almonds is kind of nuts that at first glance resembles a Pecan but it is different.
Almonds are usually used as a topping in processed foods but there is also in the form of a light snack.
Almonds are very rich in fiber and protein, iron, magnesium and vitamin E also is good for the skin.
If you consume almonds good raw or processed do not add too much salt and sugar processed almonds, because something like this is very bad for the diet program and also healthy food.
Healthy Tomato Fruit
The benefits of tomatoes do indeed seem already familiar to everyone that is in all corners of the world.
Tomatoes certainly have a sense of the typical more acidic, and quite delicious for merged material to accompany the meal (so that it becomes a delicious healthy food), so it's been no wonder again if tomatoes often used the community as one of the seasonings on the dish.
Not only delicious when used be seasoning, but the content of the nutrients that are in can provide good benefits for health.
Not only that, tomatoes also contain a lot of vitamin tablets, such as vitamins A, C, K, folate, potassium, and sodium.
Healthy Avocado Fruit
Avocado is one of the fruits that are delicious when consumed but reversed it tastes delicious, properties can be obtained also cannot say lightly.
If the note in jelly, actually lots of benefits of avocado that is not we realize it could help us to prevent harmful diseases, and increase the metabolism in the body.
In addition, avocado fruit mineral content and also has very high vitamin tablets! Coupled with vitamin B9 the B5, B6, C, E, and K.
Healthy Aloe Vera Plants
You are not familiar with that name rather than aloe vera?
It's delicious flavor drinks with tablets with a blend of Aloe Vera flesh of the fruit, if it feels like it's been asked again, do not be guaranteed delicious.
Moreover, the fruit also contains lots of vitamins, and rich in minerals.
Among them, the vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, and the mineral niacin, folic acid, magnesium, chromium, manganese, copper, potassium, iron, calcium, and sodium.
Healthy Fruit Of Pachyrhizus Erosus
The fruit of this one has indeed often we encounter as Rojak, or eat when drinking iced fruit.
Yup, in addition to the savory taste with a crisp texture, but unlike pears well.
Jicama can be packed directly when raw, then sprinkled with a little salt and lime juice so that llebih favors.
In addition, kok Yam bean can also be used in such dishes as sauteed side dish.
Although the Yam bean has very low calories, but it has phyto nutrients content has a very high quality, consists of several core fiber food, anti oxidants, vitamins, and minerals. So he belongs as one healthy foods.
Healthy Food Potato
Most of our society certainly already know the fruit of this one.
In addition to having a high carbohydrate diet and can be used as a substitute from rice, potato also have high iron is good for everyday consumption.
Especially for you who've often try to diet foods, potatoes enter right into the list of percobaanmu?
Moreover, the potato also have extras such as biological phosphorus, protein, vegetable fat, and calcium, as well as some minerals important to another.
For you who are less like to eat rice or other healthy fruits, there is another alternative to the nih that you can try to replace the daily intake needs you, oatmeal.
Oatmeal is already crushed oats, and has tesktur and bearoma like wheat.
Healthy foods that also contain this one is rich in fiber, such as calcium, iron, and vitamin B complex, as well as other good minerals.
Oiya, in 100 grams of oatmeal also contains 7 grams of healthy fiber is good for the body of joga loh.
Well, for you who want to have an ideal body, oatmeal can also serve as a means to kok diet naturally and healthy.
Blueberry fruit is a small purple or blue color is often encountered in most European countries and America.
Blueberries have numerous benefits ranging from skin problems to cancer and heart problems. Blueberry fruit contain a variety of nutrients including minerals (manganese, phosphorus, iron, potassium and zinc), several vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6, C, E, K) and carbohydrates and vegetable fat.
Each one contains blueberry fruit consumed 25% manganese, 32% of vitamin K and vitamin C of 19%.
According to the Daily Value or number of nutrients required per day, bluuberry categorized as fruit have a high nutrient content or high soources i.e. above 20%.
Among the benefits of blue berries such as anti aging, keep your vision and eye health, protect the skin, reduces bad cholesterol, preventing heart disease.
In addition efficacy of bluberry is overcome digestive problems, protect the body from cancer, keep your brain function, strengthen bones, improves the immunity of bone and prevents infections of bladder channels.
Healthy Foods Brown Rice
Usually we always consume rice as the main menu. True, in General white rice as carbohydrates as well as a source of amino acids, B vitamins and fiber.
But in addition to white rice, brown rice is also has a myriad of benefits and no less with the white rice.
The benefits to be gained from the red rice that is preventing heart disease. The high fiber content. Turned out to be able to protect the heart against cardiovascular disease.
Then in addition is capable of lowering the bad cholesterol. The content of essential oils contained in the brown rice was able to lower cholesterol levels and high blood yekanan.
The third benefit i.e. prevent gallstones. A journal that was published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology mentions that a diet high in fiber found in sea of red rice was able to lower the risk of gallstones in women.
The benefits to be gained from a healthy food this is able to control blood sugar levels. Brown rice turns out to have a low glycemic index (GI) if compared to other grains.
For women who want to diet then it is advisable to consume healthy foods. In addition to a natural diet will also improve and beautify the body.
Certainly there have been many who know the fruit is red spots. In addition to direct selacara, consumed fruit strawberries can also be used as processed foods are a great many benefits.
Strawberry is a fruit that goes into the category of healthy foods. Why? The fruit generally live in cold blood contains 3 main benefits that is able to maintain eye health.
Eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration can be cured only by consuming strawberries on a regular basis. How to consume in order to be great i.e. Juiced.
Besides Strawberry fruit is a fruit that is low in calories and classified as a healthy food. So if want to diet naturally then simply consume fruit strawberry wrote every morning and towards the bed.
The third benefit is the content of phenol pad abuah strawberries is capable of resisting or inflamsi first. Phenol has a lot of dungis as well as aspirin and ibuprofen.
In addition the content of phenol are also able to tackle the problem in the body as well as the osteoarhritis, a high school and ateroskeloris.
With so many benefits that Strawberry already owned called healthy food that is consumed at least once a week.
It is high time we also pay more attention to the food that goes into the body. In order for the body to be healthy and strong and in shape. And run the activities can also be optimized.
Yogurt is a milk fermentation lots of benefits. Not only for health but also for facial beauty and tenderness of the skin. Currently the yogurt has been widely produced with various variants. Because yogurt can be consumed by anyone, from children to adults.
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Yogurt contains lots of calcium and vitamins are very good for the body. There are several benefits of yogurt, such as: can strengthen bones, weight loss, lowering high blood, smooth skin, increase immune and digestive health food of pregnant women.
How? Yuk consumption of yogurt every day so that the body is healthy and not easily hurt.
Black Rice Healthy Food
Maybe some people who do not yet know with rice on this one. In general there are three kinds of rice, white rice, red rice and black rice. And the most widely consumed is white rice then brown rice, black rice while rarely anyone taking it.
People know the black sticky rice Indonesia more than black rice. Whereas black sticky rice and black rice was different, although the colour is the same but the content of nutrients, and texture of different nature. Black rice inclined there is similarity with plain rice.
Rice in China is considered the food of the King. Because at that time the consumption only among royalty. About the benefits of the black rice is believed to prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, anemia drug and anti aging (anti-aging).
Who does not know the food on this one. Snack food known as hamtaro turned out to have myriad benefits to the body. True to its name kuaci sunflower seeds taken from the flowers of the Sun. Originally this plant originated in Mexico and Peru, and then in the 17th century it spread to various parts of the world.
'Ve no doubt in terms of the benefits of selenium that contain kuaci can prevent attacks the cancer. Kuaci also has a mineral content that is good for bone health. Content magnesiumnya can relieve stress and migraine. Not to mention his vitamin E which serves to keep the skin from exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the Sun.
Then, by combining this one also deserves classified into healthy food.
Pumpkin is a healthy food that has lots of vitamins and antioxidants. Therefore the plant is widely cultivated throughout the world. In Indonesia the pumpkin usually made of vegetables served with rice to warm.
Calories in pumpkin is very low, it contains no cholesterol or saturated fat, but rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. About the benefits of pumpkins can stabilize blood sugar, magnesiumnya content can create a relaxed fit for you who have migraines or frequent stress. Consume pumpkin can also launch a digestion and protect vital organs such as the intestines to work optimally.
Carrot is one of the herbs that have a myriad of benefits. In addition to the menu is made of vegetables, carrots can also be consumed as a fruit juice. Carrot juice is very useful for maintaining health, with regular consumption of the body will feel fresher and fitter. He was included in healthy foods.
About the benefits already no doubt if the carrots are good for the eyes, it can memberkuat immune body, healthy digestion, making the skin smooth, preventing acne, cope with hair loss, prevent premature aging, maintaining heart health, lower cholesterol, fight free radicals and reduces the risk of breast cancer.
How to consume carrots are very simple, if you don't like raw you can mengkukusnya in advance or be used as a daily menu additions sehatmu.
The term comes from the nation's raisins Hindi and Persian that is Khismish. Raisins made from dried grapes. Despite its unattractive, but the sweet taste of raisins and legit.
Raisins have many benefits for the health of the body. Raisins you can combine with other foods as a sweetener or additional.
Raisins contain many calories is good for your health and body's energy intake. Calories in raisins enough for daily intake.
You can take advantage of raisins to treat and prevent cancer. Raisins contain a useful antioxidant to prevent penyemabaran cancer cells.
In addition, the raisins are also useful to launch the blood circulation in the body. Iron contained in raisins is very beneficial for the body.
Green Beans Healthy Food
Who have not tasted yummy pureed green beans? Yup, this one is indeed mush deliciously wonderful. You can consume the beans like mung beans is to preserve the health of the body.
Green beans contains vitamin A, vitamin B6, minerals, carotenoids substance of life and rich in fibre which is certainly very useful for body health.
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Pregnant women are also advised to eat green beans. Besides being beneficial to the mother, the green beans are also useful for the growth of the fetus in the womb. Green beans contain folate, calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, protein and carbohydrates are good for pregnant women and the fetus.
Tape is one of the specialties in Indonesia. You can find a food tape in West Java, Central Java and East Java. The tape is usually made from cassava and rice. Cassava or sticky tape tape much preferred by many people because it tastes delicious and sweet.
The tape was made by way of a fermented, therefore the tape contains a little bit of alcohol. A taste of different tape in each region and are subject to micro-organisms used for fermentation.
You can take advantage of the tape to warm the body and help the body more energized. As it turns out, you can also take advantage of the tape to enhance sexual arousal. It is usually consumed by the wives of married couples have sexual function problems.
No doubt you've already been eating food on this one. Know has many benefits for the health of the body.
Tofu made with soy beans deposits thicken. Know have a high protein content and low in calories. So if you really miss the loss for eating out.
Some of the benefits of which are know to prevent and reduce the risk of developing cancer of the prostate and breast cancer, prevent osteoporosis, prevent cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes mengobatipenyakit and prevent liver damage.
You can eat tofu with cooking recipes, you can merebusnya or even lightly.
Tofu and tempe indeed are inseparable, both included into healthy food 4 5. Yes, tempe also has a myriad of health benefits to the body.
Tempe folk specialties including Indonesia. Tempe many djiual in the stalls packed even at the restaurant. You can make a variety of dishes made from recipes like fried tempe, tempe, tempe, tempe balado, yard and more.
Although the price is cheap, but don't ask me the problem of their subjects. Tempe has a lot of nutrient content is good for health, among which contains B vitamins, iron, calcium, carbohydrates, vegetable protein, phosphorus, keratin fiber, food and more.
Arguably the tempe is the main source of vegetable protein. Even according to some research, protein content in tempe is higher when compared to the proteins of the animal.
Pine Nuts
Among you may still not familiar with pine nuts. Fair enough, because in Indonesia have not been a lot of membudidaya and sell pine nuts. It sounds maybe like fruit that is in the pine forests that huh?
Not wrong anyway, but pine nuts is meant here is the Korean pine nut (Pinus Koraiensis) and pine (Pinus Gerardiana) chigoza. Korean pine nuts come from pine Korea Peninsula, while Chigoza comes from the Himalayas.
Pine nuts have many beneficial effects if consumed, among other things, increase energy, suppress appetite, help slow down aging, helps reduce the risk of heart disease, improved vision, protect the skin, prevent cancer, boost the immune system, as the main source of dietary antioxidant content, and it is very good for the health of nerves.
With a myriad of benefits that could be obtained if we consume pine nuts, it's too bad if we don't consume it regularly.
Among you there are probably half do not believe when we incorporate chocolate into healthy food, this is normal just because we are annoyed with the waffle that makes Brown fat or obese. But if we learn again it turns out that Brown has many benefits to the body.
The benefits can we feel is to the health of the body. The antioxidants in the form of phenols and flavonoids in chocolate is very powerful for capturing free radicals in the body. Even the content of antioxidants in chocolate 3 times more of the antioxidants found in green tea, whereas over this Green tea is considered the main sources of antioxidants.
Phenol found in chocolate is useful to reduce the cholesterol in the blood so that it can reduce the risk of heart attack and prevent the incidence of cancer in the body. In addition of phenol are also potent prevent the occurrence of stroke and high blood.
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